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PetSitter foto
Voornaam PetSitter: Silvia
Familienaam PetSitter: Alves
Type PetSitter: Hond, Kat
Stad PetSitter: Meise
PetSitter contacteren

Pet fotoOmschrijving PetSitter:


I'm Sílvia, I'm Portuguese

All my life I have been surrounded by our fur friends.
I'm currently living with 2 mixed bread dogs Kika (about 12 years old) and her daughter Yara (9 years old).

For years I have always considered myself a dog person until I started to have more close contact with cats I have lived 4 years with my sister's cat which changed my opinion!

I can also take care of fishes and birds, (any other to be discussed)

I usually get along easily with pets.

As a dog owner, I fully understand the difficulty to leave our beloveds in a hotel when we can't take them with us, or for a day, or when we will be late.
Sometimes it is better to keep them at their home and in their familiar space where they can enjoy the peace of mind they are used to. It is already hard enough to be far. However, they have needs and I'm here to offer my services either if they need a walk, food and water management or to just spend some time with them.

For all the reasons above and my love for pets I have decided to embrace the opportunity to become a pet sitter

IconLocatie van de PetSitting:

Ten huize PetOwner

IconWat bied ik mijn PetOwner aan:

Eten geven
Water verversen
Kattenbak verschonen
Medicatie en/of inspuitingen toedienen
Borstelen, spelen en knuffelen
Dagelijks verslag via sms
Ledigen postbus
Binnenplanten verzorgen

IconBeschikbaarheid PetSitter:

Upon agreement

IconGegevens PetSitter: